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They're here! They're here! All of our Spring classes are now posted! The online listings, the printable calendar, and the printable class brochure are all complete and we are open for registration! Well.. reality check: as soon as any class is posted, it's fair game for registration. 


We are very excited to announce a new teacher on our roster: master tailor Rachel Berchtold. Rachel is one super-talented lady, with vast experience in tailoring, couturier sewing, costuming, millinery, pattern drafting and more. We are thrilled to have her on board and teaching our very first pattern drafting session, "Perfecting the Pattern". This introductory class is a lead-in to creating your own custom fashions... starting at Square One. (Hey - there's a reason why they're called pattern blocks!) Check it out and sign up quick—the class is limited to six students, though we will offer a waiting list... 


We invite you to browse our upcoming classes by clicking on each category below, or click one the green icons above to download our print-friendly calendar or class schedule. So looking forward to seeing you in class!

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